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Recommended for Windows XP or if Java 7 or Java 8 is already installed. Jun 3, 2017; REW (Room EQ Wizard) Beta Downloads; REW 101. Java EE SDK Downloads. Go to the Oracle Java Archive page. Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 8 Web Profile SDK; Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 8 SDK; Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7 SDK Update 3. In the Select Platform Type of the Add Java Platform wizard, select Remote Java Standard Edition and click Next. The IDE displays the Add Java Platform dialog box. Specify the remote platform details such as the name, the IP address or DNS name of the device, login, password, and the path to the JRE on the remote device.

The Oracle GoldenGate Director software and installer both rely on components in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). In many cases, this environment already exists because it was installed when the system was configured or when another program was installed. If the system where you are installing the server or client components does not have this environment, follow these instructions to download the JRE and verify the JRE environment on UNIX and Windows systems to support Oracle GoldenGate Director.


See System Requirements for the supported JRE versions.

Downloading the Java Runtime Environment

You can download the JRE free of charge from Oracle.

  1. Go to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html.

  2. Under Java Platform, Standard Edition, select either the current release, or click Previous Releases to install an earlier supported version. You can use either the JDK or JRE. The JDK includes the JRE. Do not use any non-supported version or edition of the Java JRE or JDK.

  3. Follow the navigation aids to download the JRE or JDK that is appropriate for your operating system.

  4. Follow the installation instructions that are provided with the JRE.

  5. Save the path to the JRE executable file. You will need it later.

  6. Proceed to the instructions in Verifying the JRE Environment.

Verifying the JRE Environment

This section contains instructions for verifying the JRE environment on UNIX and Windows platforms.

Verifying the JRE on UNIX

After installing the JRE, run the following test to verify the version of Java that is recognized by the system.

  1. From the command shell of the operating system, issue the following command.

  2. Make certain the command output shows the version that you downloaded.

Verifying the JRE on Windows

After installing the JRE, but before installing Oracle GoldenGate Director Server, verify the path to the JRE by completing the following tasks:

Verify the JRE Version

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These steps verify the JRE version that is installed on the server machine.

  1. On the keyboard, press the Win (Windows) key and the R key simultaneously to open the Run box. Alternatively, you can select Start, then Run.

  2. In the Run box, type cmd to run the Windows command console.

  3. Issue the following command:

  4. Do one of the following:

    • If the results show the JRE cversion that you installed, continue to the instructions in Installing Oracle GoldenGate Director Server.

    • If the results do not show that version, close the command console and continue with the steps in Set the JAVA_HOME System Variable.

Set the JAVA_HOME System Variable

These steps verify that the JAVA_HOME system environment variable points to the JRE that you installed, or creates the variable if absent.

  1. On the desktop (Windows 2000) or in the Start menu (Windows XP), right-click My Computer and then click Properties.

  2. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Environment Variables.

  3. Under System Variables, look for the JAVA_HOME system variable. The JAVA_HOME path should point to the location that you recorded when you installed the JRE.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • If you see the JAVA_HOME system variable and it points to the correct location, leave the Environment Variables dialog box open and follow the instructions in Set the JAVA_HOME System Path.

    • If a JAVA_HOME system variable does not exist, or if it points to the wrong location, continue to the next step.

  5. Under System Variables, do one of the following:

    • Click New to create a JAVA_HOME variable.

    • Select the existing JAVA_HOME variable and then click Edit. This opens a dialog box to edit this variable.

  6. In the Variable Name box, type JAVA_HOME in capital letters.

  7. In the Variable Value box, type the correct path to the JRE.

  8. Click OK to set the path and close the dialog box.

  9. Leave the Environment Variables dialog box open and follow the instructions in Set the JAVA_HOME System Path.

Set the JAVA_HOME System Path

These steps ensure that the JAVA_HOME path is in the expected location within the Path system variable. Programs such as the Oracle database software place the path to their own JRE installations in the location that is expected by Oracle GoldenGate Director Server.

  1. In the Environment Variables dialog box, look for the Path variable under System Variables.

  2. Confirm that the path to JAVA_HOME appears as the first path in the list of paths.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • If this JAVA_HOME path is the first path in the string, close the Environment Variables and System Properties dialog boxes and follow the instructions in Installing Oracle GoldenGate Director Server.

    • If this JAVA_HOME path is not the first path in the string, continue to the next step.

  4. Under System Variables, double click the Path variable to open it for editing.

  5. In the path string, locate the JAVA_HOME path. If it is there, cut and paste it (including the terminating semi-colon) to the front of the list; otherwise, type it. The path must be entered as %JAVA_HOME%bin.

  6. Click OK to close the Edit System Variable dialog box.

  7. Close the Environment Variables and System Properties dialog boxes.

Wiz 3 No Java Edition

Oracle Java Standard Edition Embedded (Oracle Java SE Embedded) enables users to develop highly functional, reliable and portable applications for powerful embedded systems. NetBeans IDE supports Java SE Embedded features, such as footprint, memory, power, platform support, etc.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to get started with Java SE Embedded in NetBeans IDE and how to use the IDE support for Java SE Embedded.


To complete this tutorial, you need the software and resources listed in the following table.

Software or ResourceVersion Required
NetBeans IDEversion 8.0
Java Development Kit (JDK)version 7 or 8

Setting Up a Remote Platform in NetBeans IDE

Once Oracle Java SE Embedded runtime is downloaded and installed on your remote machine (Raspberry Pi is used for demonstration purposes in this tutorial), you need to set up NetBeans IDE with the remote platform as follows:

  • activate the Java SE feature in NetBeans IDE
  • install a remote Java SE platform in NetBeans IDE

    Note: The remote operating system must be UNIX. Windows is not supported.

To activate the Java SE feature in the IDE:

  1. Choose Tools > Plugins from the main IDE's toolbar.
  2. In the Plugins dialog box, click the Installed tab and select Java SE in the list of available features.
  3. Click Activate.
  4. At the Welcome panel of the Installer dialog box, click Activate.
  5. When the activation is successfully completed, click Finish.
  6. Click Close to close the Plugins dialog box.

To install a remote Java SE platform in NetBeans IDE:

  1. Choose Tools > Java Platforms.
    The Java Platform Manager dialog box displays.
  2. Click Add Platform.
  3. In the Select Platform Type of the Add Java Platform wizard, select Remote Java Standard Edition and click Next.
    The IDE displays the Add Java Platform dialog box.
  4. Specify the remote platform details such as the name, the IP address or DNS name of the device, login, password, and the path to the JRE on the remote device.

    Note: The target operating system must be UNIX (Windows is not supported).

  5. Click Finish. The IDE validates the remote JRE by executing a probe and downloads the remote JRE system properties.
    A new remote Java SE platform displays in the Java Platform Manager dialog box.

Now your NetBeans IDE is set up for remote Java SE development.

Creating and Running a Project in the IDE

Now let us create a project that is going to be first run in the IDE and then on the remote platform.

To create a project:

  1. In the IDE, choose File > New Project.
  2. In the New Project wizard, choose the Java category and select Java Application in the Projects list. Click Next.
  3. In the Name and Location page of the wizard, do the following:
    • In the Project Name field, type EmbeddedCalculator.
    • Leave the Use Dedicated Folder for Storing Libraries checkbox unselected.
    • In the Create Main Class field, type embeddedcalculator.EmbeddedCalculator.
  4. Click Finish.
    The IDE creates and opens the Java SE project in the Projects window.
  5. Replace the // TODO code application logic here line with the following code:
  6. Save your changes by choosing File > Save.

To test your application, right-click the project name and choose Run from the context menu. The calculated output can be viewed in the Output window (Window > Output).

Configuring a Project to Use a Remote Platform

To develop a Java SE embedded application on a remote platform using compact1, compact2, or compact3 runtime platforms, JDK 8 needs to be registered in the IDE.

To enable JDK 8 support in NetBeans IDE:

  1. In the IDE, choose Tools > Java Platforms from the main menu.
  2. Click Add Platform in the Java Platform Manager dialog.
  3. In the Add Java Platform dialog, select Java Standard Edition and click Next.
  4. Specify the directory that contains the JDK and click Next.
  5. Verify that the default locations of the platform sources zip file and API documentation are valid. Click Finish to close the Add Java Platform dialog box.
    JDK 8 is registered as a platform in the IDE.
  6. Click Close.

To configure your project to use JDK 8:

  1. Right-click the EmbeddedCalculator project in the Projects window and select Properties from the context menu.
  2. In the Project Properties dialog box, choose the Libraries category and set JDK 1.8 as the Java Platform.
  3. Select the Sources category and set Source/Binary Format to JDK 8.
  4. Specify the profile that is used as runtime on a remote platform (for example, Compact 2).
  5. Click OK to save the changes.
    Your project is set to recognize a particular runtime on a remote platform.

Running a Project on a Remote Platfrom

You can run and debug the application on a remote device after setting the project configuration to a configuration different from the default one.

To create a new configuration:

  1. Right-click the project name in the Projects window and select Properties from the context menu.
  2. Choose the Run category.
  3. Click New to the right of the Configuration drop-down list.
  4. In the Create New Configuration dalog box, specify the name of a new configuration and click OK.
  5. Select the runtime platform name in the Runtime Platform drop-down list.
  6. Click OK to save your edits.

If you run the project on a remote platform (Run > Run Project (project name)), the output will look similar to what is shown in the figure below.

To switch between project configurations:

  • Choose Run > Set Project Configuration > configuration name or right-click the project name and choose Set Configuration > configuration name from the context menu.

See Also