Css Bhop Script For Mac

Apr 16th, 2013

Bhop Script Valorant


Css Bhop Script For Mac Download

Bhop scripts are terrible. I rather learn to bhop and bhop legit or use hacks to bhop. With scripts they control your turning and it's hard to aim. The script that pushes space bar for you and all you need to do is hold space sucks because if you type in chat you have 5 spaces so this happens no dude I don't use scripts. Counter Strike Bhop Script Freeware Counter Strike 2D Beta v. Counter - Strike 2D is more than just a freeware 2D clone of the most famous tactical multiplayer shooter ever!

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  1. Python bhop script by HaloShadoW as a joke
  3. bind space '+jump 32; -jump 32'
  4. fromtimeimport sleep;
  5. os.system('cls');
  6. OpenProcess = windll.kernel32.OpenProcess
  7. ReadProcessMemory = windll.kernel32.ReadProcessMemory
  8. WriteProcessMemory = windll.kernel32.WriteProcessMemory
  9. CreateToolhelp32Snapshot = windll.kernel32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
  10. Process32Next = windll.kernel32.Process32Next
  11. Module32Next = windll.kernel32.Module32Next
  12. GetAsyncKeyState = windll.User32.GetAsyncKeyState
  13. keybd_event = windll.User32.keybd_event
  14. _fields_ =[('dwSize', c_ulong),('cntUsage', c_ulong),('th32ProcessID', c_ulong),('th32DefaultHeapID', c_ulong),('th32ModuleID', c_ulong),('cntThreads', c_ulong),('th32ParentProcessID', c_ulong),('pcPriClassBase', c_ulong),('dwFlags', c_ulong),('szExeFile', c_char * 260)]
  15. _fields_ =[('dwSize', c_ulong ),('th32ModuleID', c_ulong ),('th32ProcessID', c_ulong ),('GlblcntUsage', c_ulong ),('ProccntUsage', c_ulong ),('modBaseAddr', c_void_p ),('modBaseSize', c_ulong ),('hModule', c_void_p ),('szModule', c_char * 256),('szExePath', c_char * 260)]
  16. def GetPIDByName(ProcessName):
  17. hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(0x00000002,0)
  18. pe32.dwSize= sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32)
  19. pid =None
  20. if(pe32.szExeFile.lower()ProcessName.lower()):
  21. break
  22. break
  23. return pid
  24. def GetModuleBase(PID,ModuleName):
  25. hModuleSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(0x00000008, PID );
  26. me32.dwSize= sizeof(MODULEENTRY32)
  27. base =None
  28. if(me32.szModule.lower()ModuleName.lower()):
  29. break
  30. break
  31. return base
  32. ProcID = GetPIDByName('hl2.exe');
  33. while(ProcID None):
  34. os.system('cls');
  35. ProcID = GetPIDByName('hl2.exe');
  36. EngineBase = GetModuleBase(ProcID,'engine.dll');
  37. while(EngineBase None):
  38. os.system('cls');
  39. EngineBase = GetModuleBase(ProcID,'engine.dll');
  40. ClientBase = GetModuleBase(ProcID,'client.dll');
  41. while(ClientBase None):
  42. os.system('cls');
  43. ClientBase = GetModuleBase(ProcID,'client.dll');
  44. VGuiBase = GetModuleBase(ProcID,'vguimatsurface.dll');
  45. while(VGuiBase None):
  46. os.system('cls');
  47. VGuiBase = GetModuleBase(ProcID,'vguimatsurface.dll');
  48. ProcHandle = OpenProcess(0x1FFFFF,0, ProcID);
  49. while(ProcHandle None):
  50. os.system('cls');
  51. ProcHandle = OpenProcess(0x1FFFFF,0, ProcID);
  52. ProcHWND = FindWindow('Valve001',0);
  53. while(ProcHWND None):
  54. os.system('cls');
  55. ProcHWND = FindWindow('Valve001',0);
  56. onGroundAddr = ClientBase+0x5759A8;
  57. EscAddr = VGuiBase+0x130020;
  58. os.system('cls');
  59. print'Proccess ID:',ProcID,'nEngine.dll Module Base:',EngineBase,'nClient.dll Module Base:',ClientBase,'nProccess Handler:',ProcHandle,'nCS:S Window ID:',ProcHWND,'n';
  60. print'nPython bunnyhop script by HaloShadoW - v3 by 0f1r and Shavit.nnChanges:nBetter jump delay.nWon't hop when typing in console.nJump on ladders.nJump on/in water.nSupport for restarting the game.nnHow to use?nType 'bind space '+jump 32; -jump 32'' in your in-game console press ENTER.nType 'bind f7 '+jump 32; -jump 32'' in your console press ENTER.nType 'bind f8 '+jump'' in your console press ENTER.';
  61. onGround = c_ulong();
  62. inWater = c_ulong();
  63. whileTrue:
  64. if(GetAsyncKeyState(32) & 0x80000000):
  65. ReadProcessMemory(ProcHandle, c_void_p(EscAddr), byref(EscOn),4, byref(bytesRead));
  66. ReadProcessMemory(ProcHandle, c_void_p(InWaterAddr), byref(inWater),4, byref(bytesRead));
  67. ReadProcessMemory(ProcHandle,c_void_p(onGroundAddr),byref(onGround),4,byref(bytesRead));
  68. keybd_event(0x76,0x41,0,0);
  69. elif(not inWater.value0):
  70. sleep(.00171);
  71. os.system('cls');
  72. ProcID = GetPIDByName('hl2.exe');
  73. while(ProcID None):
  74. os.system('cls');
  75. ProcID = GetPIDByName('hl2.exe');
  76. EngineBase = GetModuleBase(ProcID,'engine.dll');
  77. while(EngineBase None):
  78. os.system('cls');
  79. EngineBase = GetModuleBase(ProcID,'engine.dll');
  80. ClientBase = GetModuleBase(ProcID,'client.dll');
  81. while(ClientBase None):
  82. os.system('cls');
  83. ClientBase = GetModuleBase(ProcID,'client.dll');
  84. VGuiBase = GetModuleBase(ProcID,'vguimatsurface.dll');
  85. while(VGuiBase None):
  86. os.system('cls');
  87. VGuiBase = GetModuleBase(ProcID,'vguimatsurface.dll');
  88. ProcHandle = OpenProcess(0x1FFFFF,0, ProcID);
  89. while(ProcHandle None):
  90. os.system('cls');
  91. ProcHandle = OpenProcess(0x1FFFFF,0, ProcID);
  92. ProcHWND = FindWindow('Valve001',0);
  93. while(ProcHWND None):
  94. os.system('cls');
  95. ProcHWND = FindWindow('Valve001',0);
  96. onGroundAddr = ClientBase+0x5759A8;
  97. EscAddr = VGuiBase+0x130020;
  98. os.system('cls');
  99. print'Proccess ID:',ProcID,'nEngine.dll Module Base:',EngineBase,'nClient.dll Module Base:',ClientBase,'nProccess Handler:',ProcHandle,'nCS:S Window ID:',ProcHWND,'n';
  100. print'nPython bunnyhop script by HaloShadoW - v3 by 0f1r and Shavit.nnChanges:nBetter jump delay.nWon't hop when typing in console.nJump on laddersnSupport for restarting the game.nnHow to use?nType 'bind space '+jump 32; -jump 32'' in your in-game console press ENTER.nType 'bind f7 '+jump 32; -jump 32'' in your console press ENTER.';

Css Bhop Commands

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